Why Choose

HostJupyter vs FastPages

HostJupyter is the FastPages alternative that makes it simple to publish and share beautiful Jupyter notebooks.

Finally, a fully-featured site that takes minutes to set up.

Screenshot of the HostJupyter application interface

Fastpages showed what's possible.
We're picking up the baton.

Fastpages is a great self-hosted product that tightly integrates with Github Actions and Github Pages. Like HostJupyter, it realises the potential of using Jupyter notebooks for narrative storytelling.

That said, you’re here for a reason. And the fact of the matter is that FastPages requires a lot of configuration to set up that is only accessible to a technical engineering audience. With HostJupyter, publishing your site is as simple as using a drag-and-drop interface for your notebooks and hitting "publish".

If you're happy troubleshooting setup bugs or spending days and weeks to get your site fully hosted by yourself, then HostJupyter probably isn't for you. But if you'd rather focus on creating high-quality Jupyter notebooks with dedicated support for publishing beautiful documents painlessly, you're in the right place.

So what sets HostJupyter apart from FastPages?

Here are eight ways HostJupyter improves upon FastPages.

Fully hosted

The fastest way to set up a site. No more troubleshooting issues with self-hosting.

SEO optimised

Published notebooks are search-engine indexed with auto-generated thumbnails for sharing on social media.

Personalized theming

As simple as choosing dark or light mode and setting a primary colour and code highlighter of your choice.

One-click domains

Sites served on custom domains benefit from Fly.io's distributed hosting and SSL certificate's issued by LetsEncrypt.

Automatically interactive

We automatically add interactivity to your notebooks, allowing viewers to filter, sort or paginate data.

Complete versioning

We track changes to notebooks over time, with simple visibility into how your notebook has evolved over time.

Multi-site publishing

Group together notebooks across multiple sites, each with their own theming and publishing settings.

Personal search engine

We use Algolia to enable cutting-edge search and discovery for your site. Fully keyboard accessible.

Compare our changelog with that of FastPages to see the difference in what we ship weekly.

Don't take our word for it

Use our free tool to try it for yourself. Get a taste of how HostJupyter improves upon the FastPages experience.

Screenshot of the HostJupyter application interface