A Home For Your Data Science Notebooks

Add theming to your notebooks, publish and share them from your domain.

Drag notebook file to get started

Setup takes 1 minute or less

Screenshot of the HostJupyter application interface


Gorgeous notebook theming that your viewers will love

We care deeply about design and expose just the right tools so you can give your viewers a customized experience.

Colour modes

Select your mode, and we'll generate complimentary shades for backgrounds, borders and more.

Dark mode
Beautiful highlighting

Choose from a range of syntax highlighters for a style that's unique to you.

An old hope
# shuffle the 2-worded and 3-worded foods since we'll be slicing them
two_worded_foods = two_worded_foods.sample(frac=1)
three_worded_foods = three_worded_foods.sample(frac=1)

# append the foods together 
foods = one_worded_foods.append(two_worded_foods[:round(total_num_foods * 0.30)]).append(three_worded_foods[:round(total_num_foods * 0.25)])

# print the resulting sizes
for i in range(3):
    print(f"{i+1}-worded food entities:", foods[foods.str.split().apply(len) == i + 1].size)

1-worded food entities: 1258 2-worded food entities: 839 3-worded food entities: 699

Permanent Full-timeFemale36-407
Permanent Full-timeFemale41-4518
Permanent Full-timeFemale31-353
Permanent Part-timeFemale46-5015
Permanent Full-timeMale31-353
Permanent Full-timeFemale36-4014


Automatically interactive to personalize each viewer's experience

From smart pagination to intelligent filters and sorting, we automatically add interactivity to your notebook tables.

Intelligent filters

We automatically enable filtering for columns with more than one unique value.

Numeric sorting

We enable sorting of numeric columns in both ascending and descending order.


Full visibility through sophisticated versioning

We track changes across all of your notebooks with a simple editor that never gets in your way.

Infinite history

We offer full visibility into how your notebook has evolved over time.

Git-like workflow

Use a git-like workflow to decide which version is accessible to viewers.


White-labelled publishing across multiple sites

Use custom domains to give your viewers a professional experience.

Custom domain

Share your notebooks from a custom domain with no links going back to HostJupyter.

Multiple sites

Group together notebooks across multiple sites, each with their own theming and publishing settings.


A personal search engine for your site

Empower viewers to find exactly what they're looking for in seconds.



Free to get started

You can start using HostJupyter without signing up. When you’re ready to start publishing, we'll kick off your 14-day trial.








Data Scientist



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